Ballast water management

About ballast water management

Do you consider an integrated solution with all technical services covered by one consultant to be efficient and time-saving?

Our land-based test facility permits parallel type approval testing of up to five ballast water management systems, and several test cycles can be conducted per week. Our large and qualified teams of technicians, biologists, engineers and chemists have the capacity to conduct the 15 land-based test cycles (5 in each of three salinities) and 5 shipboard test cycles typically required within the shortest possible time.

We have practical experience with type approval testing of many different ballast water management systems such as filtration + electro-chlorination, filtration + ultraviolet (UV) radiation and pasteurization. It is important that the test waters used in the land-based test present a realistic challenge and enable identification of the system’s boundaries for efficient treatment. We believe that type approval testing should provide information on strong technical performance as well as on possible limitations.


All documentation of performance of ballast water management systems are carried out according with the U.S. Coast Guard Standards for Living Organisms in Ships’ Ballast Water Discharged in U.S. Waters and the IMO Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code).

Services related to ballast water management

Start ahead with your ballast water needs today

Consult with DHI’s expert for more information:

Gitte I. Petersen :